Accounts set up

Click on “Social Accounts” to connect your profiles Here you can connect your social profiles to the S3Engage account to post new updates in your social profiles without login your profile. You can connect number of profiles as per your plan.

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Disconnecting social account from S3Engage

To delete an account from S3Engage follow the given steps: 1 Login to your S3Engage account. 2 Go to dropdown menu bar given on the top left corner. 3 Go to “Social Accounts”. 4 User can remove the connected accounts by the dropdown option given in the right corner.

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What number of account I can connect?

Account limits are given below: Pro plan: 10 accounts and 1000 messages in the Library Agency plan: 50 accounts and 5000 messages in the Library You can connect your social media account as per your plan limits What means single account? One social media profile “Twitter account”, “Linked In profile”, “Facebook group” etc. – counts […]

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